David Ryback in Bulgaria

David Ryback in Bulgaria

Today you will find out why 8,786.91 kilometers are not a challenge and how an email of thanks made David Ryback land in Bulgaria for the first time.

Please meet Dr. David Ryback – a consultant, trainer, clinical psychologist, and worldwide expert in emotional intelligence and leadership development based in Atlanta, GA, USA.

He develops his work as part of EQ Associates International. Ryback is an active member of the National Speakers Association (NSA), as he assists in the fields of business management, personal development, and sports consulting. He is also a present lecturer at the Business School at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.

As a member of the NSA, he is a colleague and a friend of Carl Rogers (the founder of positive psychology) with whom they develop models for communication and conflict management.

And now let’s get back to the story.

In March 2019 as I was preparing for training for a client with a complicated case, I read his book on communications and was so impressed that I decided to express my gratitude. I wrote him an email in which I shared how he had helped me in my work as a communication expert.

A few days later in my mailbox, I received a letter from him. In it, he shared that he is happy about what had happened.  In response, I wrote him back that if he is to come to Europe sometime I would be glad to take a flight to wherever he is just to meet for a coffee.

He said that he is not planning to come to Europe soon but he is so delighted with our conversation that if one of my clients undertakes his travel expenses he would do a free training for their team so to meet me in Bulgaria.

And so our longtime partner America for Bulgaria Foundation immediately agreed to invite him. David Ryback will be in Bulgaria for a whole week – from the 4th to the 10th of November 2019.

During this time he will meet the organizational managers of A1 and Lidl, will be at a lecture at the American University in Blagoevgrad, and of course, he will meet our friends from America for Bulgaria Foundation who helped for his visit here.

See how we spend a day in the company of David Ryback in the video below.