One of the most common questions I get asked by managers I work with is, “Is there a simple way for me to know that my team is OK?” I ...
Lorenzo Agnes is a global organizational culturist, founder and director of the LiveUniq company, which helps dozens of organizations around the world in building a stable work culture and functional ...
Minutes before his presentation, the organizational culturist Lorenzo Agnes answered a few brief questions that help us understand better what a healthy work culture looks like, what the main cultural ...
3 steps to change “the organisational culture as an individual” by Lorenzo Agnes “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”, Peter Ducker, the legendary management professor used to say years ago. And ...
Is there a secret recipe for an effective team? This is the question that interests (and often tortures) most managers. It is also at the centre of one of the ...
Why working remotely breaks down trust in our teams and how to counter this “Out of sight, out of mind”, as the proverb goes. It’s unlikely that the person who ...